Tuesday 2 October 2018

The Good, Bad & Ugly of Cryptocurrency

With increasing political unrest and global economic turmoil, people are slowly losing faith in governments and regulations, the main reason why cryptocurrencies are soaring in popularity and rapidly going mainstream.

Today, cryptocurrencies are the hottest commodity. People all over the world are making large returns by investing in this new-age gold. With that said, cryptocurrencies come with plenty of risk and volatility. No, I don’t intend to scare you away from investing in cryptocurrencies. Instead,  there are potential downsides to cryptocurrency investments. To avoid massive losses, it pays to spend some time researching and finding the right investment opportunities in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Here, in today’s post, I highlight the good, bad and the ugly of digital tokens .By being aware of all this, you can make the right decisions when it comes to cryptocurrency investments.
The Good: Returns are indeed massive
Everyday, we come across stories of how people made thousands and even millions of dollars with smart cryptocurrency investments. To give you an idea, let’s say you invested $1000 in bitcoins in 2013. Today, your investment is well worth over $300,000 and even more.Not only Bitcoins, several other alt-coins also have seen huge increases in market cap and prices in the last few months. Some alt-coins have even increased by a whopping 1000%. Such huge price increases are never possible in any other traditional investments.
The Bad: Inexperienced Management Teams
Basically, all alt-coins are startups that are looking to solve a particular solution or provide you with an improved product. Though it’s nearly a decade since cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology have been introduced, the industry is fairly new. There aren’t plenty of people out there who have vast experience in the field.
The result — several alt-coins are managed by teams who have little to no experience in the field. Though the solution they offer might sound promising, there’s no guarantee that it would work. Just like a startup, poor management could cause the downfall of the entire project.
The takeaway here is that before you invest in any cryptocurrency,take a look at the team behind the project. Know more about the key members, check their profiles on LinkedIn to get to know the team. And, always invest in an alt-coin that has a robust team with experience in the field.
The Ugly: Volatility
This is one of the biggest drawbacks of cryptocurrency. The prices are highly volatile and dependent on a vast array of factors.
Let’s say for example, tomorrow the government of China bans its citizens from holding digital currencies. Then, the prices of all cryptocurrencies would fall like crazy. However, before you panic, remember this is a hypothetical situation. No one knows what’s going to happen in the next few years in the cryptocurrency world and which side will governments sway.
The Good: Liquidity
This is the biggest benefits of cryptocurrency investing. When you invest in traditional assets like a startup or company bonds, your investments could end up getting locked for a period, which may even be years. You have no option to liquidate your investments immediately. You have to hold it until you could convince someone to buy your shares from you or until the startup goes public.
This isn’t the case with cryptocurrency investments. Digital currencies offer high liquidity. You can buy or sell your digital coins stash as and when you require. Crypto exchanges are open 24 x 7, and you can trade, sell or buy cryptocurrencies on the go.
The Bad: Technical Learning Curve
One of the biggest features of cryptocurrencies is that they’re completely digital. This works for and against digital currencies. Cryptocurrencies don’t have a physical form. They exist only in the digital world. Unlike regular fiat currencies, you cannot hold onto them. Unlike shares and equities, no paper shows your ownership. The digital nature of cryptocurrencies makes it difficult for several people to understand these assets completely.
What more, being a relatively newer form of asset, the performance of digital currencies depends on the crypto exchange you use. For instance, if you wish to trade during peak hours, then you’re solely at the mercy of your exchange. Sometimes, markets become too congested that it becomes difficult to withdraw or deposit your tokens.
With that said, as and more people and corporations understand the true potential of cryptocurrencies, we can expect an overhaul of the entire infrastructure and the formation of faster networks.
The Relatively Good: Transparency
This is the core feature of digital currencies. Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous developer of Bitcoin wanted to create a currency system that is free from regulations. Thus, the world’s first digital currency — the Bitcoin was created.
However, you have to take this one with a grain of salt. Today, several of the world’s major cryptocurrencies are highly transparent. Their entire code is open-source and is available for all to see. And, most teams publish a whitepaper so that users can know more about the project and the technology behind it.
With that said, a few alt-coins aren’t open to the public. Not much is known about the team behind the project or of their plans and road map. It pays to stay clear of such currencies.
The Bad: Security
Simply put, if you lose your digital coin stash in a hacking attack, there’s no way to recover it. There have been cases of where crypto exchanges have been attacked and millions of digital tokens have vanished without a trace.
With that said, it doesn’t mean all is gone. With a few smart strategies like storing your coins on a hardware-based wallet and more, you can protect your digital currencies from hackers. A cold storage wallet is one where you control your coins using private keys.
Two Pennies Tip 
Yes, I agree that cryptocurrencies come with their risks. The markets are highly volatile, and the technology is still in its nascent stages. With that said, the fact is that early investors are the ones who have made it big. So, I recommend that you add cryptocurrencies to your investment portfolio after doing diligent research on it.

Friday 28 September 2018

It’s Easier And Straightforward To Invest In Digital Currencies Than Ever Before

The Top 10 Reasons why It’s Still a Good Time to Start your Digital Currency Portfolio 
Do you feel sad that you have missed out on the cryptocurrency boom? Well, here’s is the good news – you haven’t!
Cryptocurrency is one asset that has sky-rocketed in popularity the last few years. Unless, you’ve been living off the grid for the last couple of years, I’m pretty sure that you would have come across several investment opportunities to invest in digital currencies.
You all are wondering, whether investing in cryptocurrencies is a good idea or not or are you late into the game? Is it possible to make big wins, even now? Will block-chains remain around for long or are they yet another passing fad?
this post, will help you cast aside your worries. And, give you the top reasons why industry experts believe that you should invest in cryptocurrencies, even now.
#1: A Plethora of Affordable Altcoins that Come with Huge Potentials
Ok, it may not be possible for all to invest in a bitcoin today with the price hovering somewhere around $6000 and upwards. But, that doesn’t mean your opportunity for investment in the crypto space is over. There are plenty other affordable altcoins that havemassive features and amazing potentials, not available in the original digital currency.
Buxcoin is one such popular altcoin that has been garnering huge support and attention from crypto investors the world over. Click here to check out how to get started with Buxcoins.
#2: Now, it is very Easy and Straightforward to Invest than Ever Before
Today, investing in cryptocurrencies is as easy as shopping for a commodity online. Thanks, to the rise in the number of user-friendly cryptoexchanges you can start your digital currency investments within a few minutes.
All you have to do is sign up on any cryptoexchange, get your credentials validated and then you can easily purchase cryptocurrencies directly with your fiat currency (real-world money).
#3: Digital Currencies are still Uncontrolled 
This is one of the biggest benefits of cryptocurrencies. Despite attempt to bring it under regulations, it still remains decentralized. Political volatility, war, economic fluctuationsdo not affect the price or stability of digital currencies.
In today’s scenario of global unrest and political turmoil, adding cryptocurrencies to your portfolio may be a safe bet.
#4: Diverse Applications
Very few people knows that cryptocurrency is more than money. It’s an investment, currency and technology all rolled into one. You can use cryptocurrency to pay for your online purchases like you would do with regular fiat currency. Simultaneously, you can use it to fund for your retirement investments and even invest in the underlying blockchain technology.
Today, by investing in any digital currency, you’re doing more than investing in a currency. You’re investing in a technology that has an incredible potential.
#5: A Limit on the Supply
Unlike other commodities that have an unlimited supply, digital currencies are unique because they are limited. For instance, bitcoin is a precious asset today, because there are only 21 million bitcoins, ever. The number cannot be raised ans this creates a demand which in turn boosts its price.
By investing now, you are able to pick digital currencies at low prices and you can sell them high, when the demand goes up.
#6: Endless Applications
Did you know that there are over 1000 digital currencies on the market today? While some of these may fail, others are bound to become successful. The key here is to spend some time on research and identify the right type of cryptocurrency to make smart investments.
#7: Crypto market is Open 24 x 7
Unlike banks and stocks that have fixed trading timings, cryptocurrency exchanges are open 24 x 7. This means as soon as you spot an investment opportunity you can invest in without waiting for any external factors.
#8: Growth in the Crypto Market is Massive
The cryptocurrency adoption rate right now is just 0.2% and has been increasing at an exponential rate year after year. Take a look at this study by Cambridge University that highlights the growing significance of crypto currencies. At this speed, the potentials of cryptocurrency to grow in the coming years is quite massive and staggering. By getting started right now, you can get a head start over the late adopters.
#9: Protect yourself with the Benefits of Diversification
You would have come across worrying reports of the problems faced due to hyperinflation in countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela.The best way to stay protected against such situations is to diversify your assets by investing in cryptos.
#10: The Benefits far Outweigh the Risks
Crypto currency is indeed a bear market and comes with plenty of benefits. While there’s no denying the fact that it has certain risks, the benefits far outweigh the risks.
Final Crux: The Time to Invest is Right Now
Well, it’s true that the best time to invest in Bitcoins was way back in 2009, when it was introduced, and the price of the currency was peanuts. But, since you have missed it, the next best to invest is right now.
Just like any other new technology digital currencies come with a fair amount of risks. Take calculated risks and invest in upcoming digital currencies like Buxcoin that have plenty of potential to grow massively in the future.

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Top 15 Celebrities investors who have Invested in Crypto Space

Do you feel that cryptos are only used and accepted by computer geeks and tech nerds? Well, it used to be that way, but no more! Guess what; cryptos are now very well main stream. And, it won’t be too long before your grandparents are investing in altcoins.
And, did you know that several celebrity investors have won big in the crypto industry? And, what more, these ton-gun celebrities are even voicing their support for cryptocurrencies and are pushing them into the public sphere.
1. Ashton Kutcher
Decades ago, when he first appeared on the big screen, he was considered nothing but yet another handsome dudewooing the pretty ladies on screen. Fast forward to 2018; he’s one of the most influential investors today (having funded Uber, Airbnb,and several other successful companies).
He wears many hats – business tycoon, UN ambassador against human trafficking, doting father, loving husband and more.
Kutcher’s association with cryptos started way back in 2014 when he invested largely in BitBay and showed interest in Ethereum. Apart from this, he is also spreading cryptos far and wide, both on his Twitter and Facebook pages.
Sources state that Kutcher has invested over 12 million dollars in cryptos and has seen some impressive returns.
2. Bill Gates
Gates needs no introduction. The richest man in the world for years and the charismatic founder of the Microsoft Corporation is one of the many tech geeks who has invested in cryptos. Bill Gates even stated that digital currencies are way better than regular government-backed currencies.
Gates along with his influential philanthropic friends have invested around 170 billion dollars in bitcoin to save the environment.
3Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss
The famous duo who sued and won against Mark Zuckerberg. They claimed that Mark stole the idea for Facebook from them and was able to get 65 million dollars in settlement.
They, then went on to invest this amount in bitcoin, when it was just around $120. Last year, when Bitcoin’s value soared to $11,000, they were very fortunate and became the world’s first “Bitcoin Billionaires.”
4. Gwyneth Paltrow
She is not just a blockbuster movie star, but also a savvy businesswoman. She is an advisor for the Abra app, a bitcoin-based wallet and has been quite vocal in her support for digital currencies.
5. Mel B
Millennials won’t remember this member of the rock band, The Spice Girls. But, am sure that you would have seen her, as a judge, on the hit TV show, America’s Got Talent.
She has been advocating the benefits of cryptos for quite a long time now. Even before smart contracts were widely known, she has been backing digital currencies. Also, she’s the first music idol to start accepting payments in digital currency. She believes that cryptos are the way forward, and she believes it helps her connect with her vast fan base, spread across the planet.
6. Mike Tyson
This boxing champ has seen it all. He made tons of fortune only to lose it and then win it back. The same goes for his fame. It’s always up and down.
Mike Tyson has endorsed the world’s first bitcoin ATM and has been supporting it since 2015.
7. Nas
Nas is one of the pop music idols of America. A hip-hop rapper, recording artist and actor, Nas along with his manager Aymen Anthony Saleh has invested over 25 million dollars in Bitcoin, using the coinbase wallet.
Not just bitcoin, Nas has also invested in 40 other startups in the crypto space. He even stated in an interview that “investing in digital currencies is the future.”
8. Amitabh Bachchan
India’s all-time mega superstar and versatile actor, along with his son, Abhishek Bachchan has invested over $250,000 in digital currencies over the last two years. But, it isn’t publicly known whether the Big B was able to make profits out of it and if yes, how much.
950 Cent
Curtis James Jackson (popularly known as 50 Cent) is an American singer, rapper, actor and entrepreneur investor. For his album, Animal Ambition, released in 2014, he accepted bitcoins as payments.
10. Snoop Dogg
He is one of the latest celebrity investors to show interest in digital currencies. During a popular event, the company behind Sparkle coins presented him with 1500 of their tokens (worth approximately around $55,000).
Snoop Dog then donated this amount to the Snoop Youth Football League, a charity organization that works with kids aged between five to thirteen. In 2013, he even announced that he was interested in accepting digital currencies as payments for his music.
11. Richard Branson
Founder of the famous Virgin group and popular British billionaire, Sir Richard Branson has also shown interest in digital currencies. Sources state that Richard Branson has invested over 30 million dollars in Bitcoin.
Currently, the Virgin group is funding the research of an Atlanta-based start-up, the Bitpay.
12. DJ Khaled
Hip-hop legend, DJ Khaled is another well-known crypto enthusiast. Recently, he came under fire for having supported a scam ICO by the name, Mayweather. He regularly posts videos and shares posts, on how to store cryptocurrencies and how to use different one.
13. Jamie Foxx
The Oscar-winning star is currently backing the recently launched altcoin, Cobinhood. He is known for the smart choices he has been making in the crypto space.
14. Lionel Messi
The world-famous footballer is one of the most famous crypto investors. He spreads his views and opinions about crypt currencies on social media. With over 90 million followers, he is undoubtedly one of the most influential celebrity investors. He is the one backing Sirin Labs, a blockchain startup.
15. Jered Kenna
This former US Marine is one of the most popular bitcoin millionaires. He has over $30 million in bitcoins. And, what more, he started investing in bitcoins when they were selling at just 20 cents per coin.
Apart from these 15 famous crypto investors listed here, several others are trading and investing in digital currencies from across the world. So, if you assumed that cryptos are only for tech geeks, then it’s time to put those thoughts to rest.
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Monday 17 September 2018

10 Coins Under 10 Cents With High Potential

We’re slowly progressing towards the end of 2018, a year in which the bears have controlled the market. Even though we still have a few months before the year marked by crypto price drama is finally over, it’s fair to say that a lot of investor got rekt.
However, small investments can still buy you sizeable token holdings if you buy into projects that have either issued large numbers of tokens or been destroyed by the market, or both.
Holding 10,000 tokens just feels a lot better than 0.06 of a coin, and therefore we’ve compiled a list of cryptocurrencies that still have a lot of potential, and of which the price has fallen below a tenth of a dollar, so you can still show off your “something like Bitcoin” cryptocurrency holdings to your next date.

1. Vechain Thor (VET)

Market Cap: $670 millionToken: VETCirculating Supply: 55,454,734,800Total Supply: 86,712,634,466All-Time High: $0.02Price: $0.012

On June 30 2018, the Vechain Thor mainnet was successfully launched, giving the ambitious blockchain project for business applications its own ecosystem. The Blockchain-as-a-Service platform has also rolled out and updated its own feature-rich mobile wallet, which users can employ for token holdings, Vechain Thor token rewards, and node statuses, but also allows for offline storage of private keys, giving the software a strong security edge.Additionally, the Vechain network has a long list of impressive partnerships, including PWC, Renault, DNV GL, the BMW group, and China Unicom. However, all these exciting events and valuable collaborations haven’t been able to let Vechain Thor’s price escape the 2018 attack of the bears.Even though it’s anyone’s guess what the market will do, at these prices, Vechain Thor seems more like a steal with every price drop.


Market Cap: $88 millionToken: IOSTCirculating Supply: 8,400,000,000Total Supply: 21,000,000,000All-Time High: $0.12Price: $0.01

The IOST project is aiming to solve one of the industry’s biggest current restraints: scalability. It has the ambitious goal of achieving transaction throughputs that can compete with internet-based giants such as eBay and Alibaba, while maintaining high levels of decentralization.To make this possible, IOST has integrated multiple innovative technologies in its blockchain’s architectural design, including efficient distributed sharding, TransEpoch, the Atomix protocol, Micro State Blocks, and the Proof-of-Believability consensus algorithm. These technologies are elaborated on in the project’s technical whitepaper.The IOST blockchain allows for dapps and smart contract frameworks to be built on top of it in multiple popular programming languages, making it an accessible protocol blockchain that allows for a potentially thriving ecosystem based on cheap, fast transactions. Additionally, the platform will also offer data storage services.Even though the IOST price hasn’t given much reason for excitement the past months, the project’s parameters at the time of writing concerning active wallets (over 43,000), developers (72), and network transactions (4,454,238) make IOST a strong bet to lead the altcoin recovery.

3. Bitshares (BTS)

Market Cap: $242 millionToken: BTSCirculating Supply: 2,656,510,000Total Supply: 3,600,570,502All-Time High: $0.88Price: $0.09

Bitshares has been around since 2014 and was the first blockchain child of one of the industry’s developer veterans, Dan Larimer, who later created Steem and EOS. The project aims to assist the unbanked and bring financial services to anyone through blockchain technology.
Essentially, Bitshares is a decentralized exchange. It has been designed to avoid scalability issues and high transaction fees, which is impressive as it is functional and has been partly successful in solving problems that most projects in the industry haven’t worked out up to date.
The Bitshares Asset Exchange offers a large number of stable coins pegged to assets, including the US Dollar, CNY, Euro, gold, and silver, among others. These stable coins give the Bitshares ecosystem a strong component as they provide traders with the option to protect themselves from volatility while keeping their value within the blockchain ecosyste
Bitshares also has about 33,000 active users per month, which is more activity than on almost any other blockchain. Besides its stable coin portfolio, Bitshares also offers a variety of other tokens and decentralized projects.

4. Siacoin (SIA)

Market Cap: $180 millionToken: SIACirculating Supply: 36,796,818,084All-Time High: $0.097Price: $0.0049

Siacoin is building a decentralized cloud storage services platform. The way the platform operates is that the Siacoin network stores cloud data by splitting it apart, encrypting it, and distributing it across the network nodes.Providers of data storage are linked to parties requiring additional cloud storage, and these exchanges are conducted with Siacoins. Because the network runs on a peer-to-peer basis, it has the potential to dramatically reduce the cost of cloud storage services.The current cloud storage industry is dominated by Amazon and Google; Siacoin’s opportunity lies in its decentralized, peer-to-peer design, which can lead to dramatic cost reductions relative to the prices charged by the tech behemoths it’s taking on.Over the course of 2018, the Siacoin project has been shifting from its experimental phase into a phase with a real working product, and is slowly attracting both providers and customers for excess storage capacities.Currently, the network is able to provide an impressive 4.1 petabytes in storage capacity provided by 606 network members, and 194 terabytes have already been exchanged through the network

5. FundRequest (FND)

Market Cap: $376,345Token: FNDCirculating supply: 42,525,135
Total supply: 
98,611,464All-Time High: $0.26Price: $0.0089

FundRequest is an Ethereum-based project working on creating a decentralized platform for open-source developers. In the current online status quo, Github is the popular place to go for open-source developers, yet there is no incentive model behind the open-source collaboration platform.
In order to strengthen open-source collaboration, which will likely form the basis of our future technological infrastructure, the FundRequest platform is designed to incentivize open-source collaboration and give developers a tool through the FND token to stake on their projects to serve as a form of skin in the game
Besides collaboration, the FundRequest platform also provides tools for recruiting development talent for programming issues that require technical expertise

6. Blockport (BPT)

Market Cap: $3.9 millionToken: BPTCirculating Supply: 52,870,933Total Supply: 69,434,800All-Time High: $0.81
Price: $0.07

Blockport exchange is a Dutch company that aims to make the exchange of cryptocurrencies easy and secure, while adding a strong social component to the trade of digital assets.The team’s focus is on making investing in crypto easy and intuitive for newcomers by heavily investing in the exchange’s UX and UI. Because of Blockport’s hybrid architectural design, users will be in control of their own funds based on blockchain technology.Through the intuitive interface, users have easy access to the social components of Blockport, which entail tracking and copying portfolios and trading calls of seasoned investors, community tools, and more. To make use of these services, the token BPT is used, which also grants users discounted trading fees.Notably, the team has indicated that they will strengthen the token economic model of BPT further in the near future, giving additional value to the token.To ensure and boost liquidity, Blockport is integrating multiple exchanges into its platform, and recently it was announced the company will integrate Bitfinex. Currently, BPT is positioned in the lower regions of the endless token list, but with their unique focus on social crypto trading, sizeable team, and ambitious roadmap, BPT has serious potential.

7. Loopring (LRC)

Market Cap: $50 millionToken: LRCCirculating Supply: 572,074,043
Total Supply: 
1,374,956,262All-Time High: $2.20Price: $0.087

The Loopring project is building a protocol for the decentralized exchange of tokens and other blockchain assets. A very interesting value proposition of Loopring is that the protocol is blockchain agnostic, meaning that assets can be exchanged from one protocol blockchain to the other through the Loopring protocol.
To enable the decentralized trade of digital assets, Loopring has implemented 2 unique technologies: order sharing and ring-matching. The former allows individual orders to be divided into smaller pieces and automatically executes trades best on the most advantageous price, thus seriously optimizing trading results.
The ring-matching process on the other hand pools trade order on the Loopring protocol together. These pools are then matched with each other, vastly increasing liquidity of the Loopring protocol
About a dozen projects have already integrated the Loopring protocol and more are expected to follow, which will create a network effect which will have a positive effect on the overall liquidity of the Loopring protocol.

8. Civic (CVC)

Market Cap: $34.6 millionToken: CVCCirculating Supply: 342,699,966
Total Supply: 
1,000,000,000All-Time High: $1.37Price: $0.10

Civic was founded by South African shark tank panel member and blockchain advocate Vinny Lingham, and it’s building a decentralized identity ecosystem on the Ethereum blockchain.
Through its decentralized approach, users’ most sensitive data — their identification — is securely stored on the blockchain instead of being placed in the hands of centralized entities.
The identity platform has been making steady progress over the past year, and in a recent interview, Lingham indicated that the technology is all in place and the Civic system functional. The problem the team is struggling with now is how to reach a critical user mass.
To attain new users and boost adoption, Civic bought the domain identity.com and initiated a promotional program for which they have reserved 333 million Civic tokens (worth about $33 million), which new network members can use to register themselves on the dapp for free. Retail users, accredited investors, and businesses requiring KYC services are all eligible to take advantage of this promotion.
If the initiative actually gains traction, Civic could position itself as the #1 decentralized identity project in the blockchain space.

9. Decentraland (MANA)

Market Cap: $55 millionToken: MANACirculating Supply: 1,050,141,509Total Supply: 2,644,403,343All-Time High: $0.25Price: $0.05

This high-reaching project is building a new virtual world whose infrastructure is based on blockchain technology. Decentraland will allow their users to buy virtual real estate and build any VR construction and application on their digital piece of land.
The currency of this VR realm is MANA, and all ownership rights are immutably stored on the blockchain.
Decentraland is open to anyone, and it motivates people to built virtual creations that they can potentially monetize, such as VR games, beautiful graphical objects, and digital marketplaces. Already developers can start building on the Decentraland platform through the released SDK.
The marketplace for Decentraland real estate has been up and running for a while now, and the platform has been making continuous progress ever since its initiation. The Decentrand platform itself is currently in alpha testing, and once it’s officially launched (which is expected to happen early 2019), users will be able to experience the decentralized metaverse.

10. Cardano (ADA)

Market Cap: $1.6 billionToken: ADACirculating Supply: 25,927,070,538Total Supply: 31,112,483,745All-Time High: $1.26Price: $0.06

The last, but certainly not the least, on our list is Cardano. During its peak, the total market cap of this protocol blockchain surpassed $30 billion, which was then followed by a dramatic fall during the bear marke
Cardano’s strength lies in its academic and research-driven approach, and its architecture is built on peer-reviewed scientific research on blockchain and DLT technologies.
The team behind Cardano comprises a large number of expert engineers and researchers who aim to design the protocol blockchain with all current industry constraints in mind and tackle these issues based on scientific evidence. A key feature of the platform is its formal verification approach, meaning that all dapps and smart contracts built on the network can be mathematically tested and proven, giving them a superior security advantage.
The Cardano team has been producing a continuous stream of research papers regarding a variety of aspects concerning blockchain technology, and the technology itself is also in the process of on-going iteration. Cardano has also released multiple wallets with functionalities targeting the diverse needs of potential users of the network.
The theoretical foundation of Cardano is top notch; all that’s left is to wait for this theory to be put into practice.

The Good, Bad & Ugly of Cryptocurrency

With increasing political unrest and global economic turmoil, people are slowly losing faith in governments and regulations, t he main r...